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Concerts With Mark Thallander

The Pipe Organ Foundation is pleased to announce two concerts featuring Mark Thallander, organist: 

The first concert will be held at Mercer Island Presbyterian Church (3605 84th Ave SE, Mercer Island WA 98040; (206) 232-5595) on Friday, May 4 at 7:30 PM

The second concert will be at Covenant Presbyterian Church (22116 SE 51st Place, Issaquah WA 98029; (425) 392--5532) on Saturday, May 5, at 7:00 PM

Both concerts will also feature James Whitman, senior musician at Covenant Presbyterian Church.  He will accompany Mark on the piano and he will play the organ as well.  In addition, the May 5 concert will feature the trumpet played by Luke Morton.  Rev. Morton is Assistant Pastor at Covenant Presbyterian, and he directs the music program there.  He will play with Mark as Mark plays the organ. 

The music that all three musicians will play will emphasize interesting and intricate hymn transcriptions and arrangements.  The beauty and worshipful nature of these hymns will come across clearly.  Except for the trumpet, the music for the concerts will be similar for the two evenings.

While there is no charge for either concert, a free-will offering will be taken to help defray costs

Mark ThallanderInternationally renowned organist, Mark Thallander, enjoyed broad acclaim from 1976 through 2003 during which time he served in major posts at the Crystal Cathedral, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, Lake Avenue Congregational Church, and Glendale Presbyterian Church. However, with a horrific automobile accident in August, 2003, his entire life changed because he lost his left arm as a result of that crash. At first it was not clear to him that he could ever play again, but with encouragement from others, he has found ways to once again play the organ and to do so in a most inspirational manner.  Expect interesting and truly beautiful hymn arrangements.

The organs that will be used for the concerts were both designed and installed by the Pipe Organ Foundation.  The Mercer Island Presbyterian organ is a three manual, 26 rank instrument installed in 2005 (Opus 2), while the Covenant Presbyterian Organ is also a three manual instrument with 20 ranks of pipes (2011, Opus 6).  Both organs feature Syndyne systems with pipes at the back of the church as well as at the front with the result of a surround sound effect.

Mercer Island Presbyterian Organ

Mercer Island Presbyterian Organ

Covenant Presbyterian Organ

Covenant Presbyterian Organ

Come and be enriched by the music!  A reception will follow each concert.

Questions about the event can also be directed to Carl Dodrill of the Pipe Organ Foundation (carl@dodrill.net; 206 788-7761).


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